Brad Story, Randy Swenson, Shain Stanger, Dave Schell and I just got back from the most amazing snow trip I’ve ever taken! We spent all of last week in BC, sledding mostly in the Revelstoke area. On Monday, we rode near Nelson, BC with Cam and Tyler Hicks and had a ball building a huge jump for Cam and some snowboarders! Cam flew about 120 feet! Then we hit Boulder near Revy for a few days. Had an absolute blast pulling out Brad’s Propane turbo and portable grill and cooking a bunch of sledders lunch up at the cabin! Lots of funny looks and stares! On Friday when we rode turtle this local came up and saw my Apex turbo and started bragging about how he heard about this amazing propane powered Apex that cooks everyone lunch and has 400 hp and does this and that and what not! Dave and I looked at each other laughing and said, “That’s Brad Story and he’s sitting right there!” The guy couldn’t believe it and went over to the sled for some roasted marshmallows and pictures!

Anyway, we had amazing snow and although the weather never cleared out, we rode hard. It’s nice when the weather isn’t sunny because I actually get to ride and have fun and boy did I! 5 days of FRESH SNOW, NO TRACKS and good fun! We met tons of cool people, met some new friends, rode with some of the world’s best (Cody Borchers, Rob Alford, Mike Irmen, Jason Earl, of course Brad and Randy and many more!)

Thanks to all those who stopped by, said hi, rode with us, guided us, had fun with us and thanks to all the flatlanders who showed up and turned the town upside down with us! (Bwock, Hobbes, Interceptor, DaveB, Canuckle, etc. etc!!)

Looks like all the snow dances I’ve done finally worked so be carefull as you venture into all this fresh snow!